Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Burning Qurans and America’s Problem with Islam

By looking very closely, America certainly has a growing problem with religion more specifically with Islam. Since the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center which wasted the lives of over 3,000 people, America has intensified its efforts to fight terrorism and disband terrorist groups. Since these terrorist groups are widely considered as Islamic activists, more Americans now believe that Islam is indeed a violent religion and is a severe threat to America.

We heard about the recent controversy about the planned Islamic center to be put up two blocks away from Ground Zero. It was remembered that thousands of American lives perished on that single spot because of the terroristic acts of Islamic groups. We all heard the remarks of U.S. President Obama where he indirectly expressed his support to the Mosque stating that religious tolerance freedom should be upheld at all cost. He eventually received so many criticisms from fellow politicians and citizens for disrespecting the sacredness of the place (Ground Zero).

And just recently, a small group that is closely associated with fringe Christian church in Florida is planning to burn Qurans on Sept 11 in time for the commemoration of the Sept 11 attacks. Despite the refusal of the city of Gainesville to grant them permit for the protest, Florida pastor Terry Jones said they will continue with their plans on the burning of the Quran. They argue that Islam is indeed a work of the Devil and will only grant destruction to America. The Dove World Outreach Center says it is hosting the event to remember fallen victims of the 9/11 attacks and take a strong stand against Islam.

The burning event is now the subject of outraged protests from Afghan citizens. On Monday, about 500 protesters in Kabul burned an effigy of Jones and shouted “Long Live Islam” while also stating ”Death to America”. The top U.S. military in Afghanistan is pretty much concerned about the impact in could have to U.S. troops in the region. Taliban and other insurgent troops may stage retaliatory attacks on American bases and endanger the lives of over 100,000 American troops in the region. It might also hamper the already slow progress of the war effort.

There are also growing concerns with regards to national security. The U.S. might well become the target of anger and hated from Islamic communities all across the globe. There is indeed a growing problem with Islam in America. There is a need to settle this dispute as soon as possible so as to prevent a deadly confrontation between religions that could arise in the coming years.

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